вторник, 12 января 2021 г.

Levan Gotua


Levan  Gotua is the bes-known writer, historican, public figure, teacher and an  alpinist. He was born and dead  in Tbilisi (1905-1973).

Unfortunately, his name was  not  very  popular, because during the soviet  era he was exiled for almost 31 years.

 His parents were educated people.

His father, Parten Gotua, was the editor of the magazine ‘’WOZROJDENIA” . His friends were  Akaki Tsereteli, Iakob Gogebashvili, Ekvtime takaishvili, Shalva Amirejibi, Niko and Iakob Nikoladze, Tedo Gakhokia and others.

Levan Gotua  greaduated  Tbilisi Technical School and continued his studies at the faculty of Economics of The  Tbilisi State University.

In February 1921 he  was  volunteer  in Kojori and joined the defenders of Tbilisi.  He was a member of the National Democratic Party and the leader of its youth wing.

He Participated in the preparation of the 1924 uprising. He was arrested in August of the same year and was  put in Metekhi prison. He was released after seven months later.

 He spent a third of his life in prison and  in deportation for  his political views.

In 1924-1955 he was  imprisoned for love of  his  native country.

"I can not explain, I can not understand, I love the homeland so much”,

 –   Levan Gotua wrote when he was in   deportation.


During the exile he wrote  one of  his the most famous work ‘’Gmirta Varami” which is filled with the writer's great love of his country .

Gotua's short stories are based on the historical theme: "The Melancholy of Krtsanisi" (1941), "The Angel of Kintsvisi" (1943), "The Bell of Khandzti" (1945), "The Road Caravan" (1945) "The Wisdom of Death" (1949) and others.

He has also  published numerous publications. He also wrote children's stories and  novels. His  the most recent work is “Seraphita” (1973). Levan Gotua  actively collaborated with the theater,He was  author of dramas: "King Erekle" (1942), "Invincibles" (1943), "David the Builder" (1945), and others.

Gotua's plays were staged at the Marjanishvili Theater by directors such as:
Vakhtang Tabliashvili,  Giga Lortkipanidze, Archil Chkartishvili.

Maybe he is not as known as an excellent mountaineer ,but he was a great alpinist  and   he  climbed many peaks.   Levan Gotua described  his travelling impressions in the Essay Book “The Traveller Kryalosani” (1960).

Levan Gotua died in 1973, on the  thirtieth  of  November, at the age of 69 and he was buried in  the yard of Samtavro Monatery.


Nino Lartsuliani

Irma balkhamishvili